Top 4 Free Courses for PT Students & Graduates

Akansha Wankhede | Abhijeet Sartape | Rucha Gadgil | 5 min read | August 2, 2021

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Why are we in the constant rush to keep updating our clinical knowledge? This need is larger than the urge to get our patients better. It is more inclined to the fact that we love understanding the art and science behind clinical applications.

When our intrinsic motivation to learn every day outnumbers other deterrents, that is when we search for new courses to dive in deep and evolve!

The PhysioZest curates these lists of impactful courses that are part of a series “Courses & Networking”
This edition highlights the top 4 Free Courses a physiotherapy student or a graduate should enroll!

What to look for when choosing courses?
  • You should always think about how the course will help you grow?
  • Always check the credentials of the instructor in the course. These are usually available in the details about the course.
  • Keep a note about the Certificate/CPD points. Try to go for a certificate course detailing the CPD hours.
  • Check the financial feasibility if it is a paid course.
Top 4 Free Courses for PT Students & Graduates
1. Essential Elements of Running

Who can do this course?

  • Students above I BPTh
  • Interested in Sports Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Rehabilitation

What will you learn?

  • Biomechanics of Running
  • Knowledge of Running Gait Impairments
  • Introduction of Gait Retraining for Runners

If you are looking to simplify the complexity of running and find a group of professionals doing the same thing, you have found it. This course will cover essential anatomy and biomechanics and then introduce to Five Categories of Running.

Why should you take this course?

You will gain immense confidence and clarity on what you measure and value for running. It is a self-paced online course founded by Doug Adams, an extremely passionate human. This course is the first step to enter the massive world of Running Rehabilitation and Science.

2. Intensive Care Physiotherapy Program with Physioplus

Who can do this course?

  • Final year PT Students
  • Interns
  • MPT students
  • PTs working in ICU settings

What will you learn?

  • Introduction to the Intensive Care Unit
  • How to Monitor Patients in the ICU
  • Physiotherapy & Respiratory Assessment of the Patients in ICU

Why should you take this course?

ICU remains one area in our clinical practice that is difficult to master, and it always helps to be prepared!

  • This course gives you an introduction to the mountain that ICU is and makes it succinct to understand.
  • Certified course: Physioplus offers two courses for free in the trial period, or it’s paid.
3. Science of Exercise- Coursera

Who can do this course?

Individuals who are interested in learning more about the science behind exercise.

What will you learn?

  • Physiological basis of how your body responds to exercise.
  • Identification of behaviors, choices, and environments that impact health and training.
  • Causes of muscle soreness & fatigue, the effectiveness and dangers of performance enhancing drugs.
  • Application of learnt knowledge via nutrition logs, heart rate monitoring, calculations of your total daily caloric expenditure and body mass index (BMI).
  • Scientific evidence for the health benefits of exercise including the prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity (weight loss), depression, and dementia.

Why should you take this course?

You will be able to correlate the theoretical knowledge with practical applications while prescribing exercises to patients, athletes or even yourself!

4. MedTech: AI and Medical Robots: at Future Learn, University of Leeds

Who can do this course?

This course is appropriate for anyone interested in MedTech and product design.

What will you learn?

  • How robots are currently being used to assist patients.
  • How robots can assist clinicians.
  • Exploring the future of robots in healthcare and whether it could result in the loss of human care.
  • This course is an introduction to the workings of AI and robots in healthcare!

Why should you take this course?

Technology and robots are the future.
You will identify the challenges of designing robots for healthcare and look at what MedTech scientists are doing to solve them.

Stay tuned here for upcoming articles on specific courses modules, books, Youtube Channel & IG page recommendations.

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