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10 Reads For PT’s To Lead

Written by Rucha Gadgil, Akansha Wankhede, Abhijit Sartape, Natasja Azad
Graphics by Nidhi Joshi

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Curated List of 10 Books that every Physiotherapy Student, Graduate, and Clinician should add to their bookshelves.

Academically advertised books are great at imparting theoretical knowledge. And are also necessary to pass those long theory exams. But unless you feel satisfied with your knowledge, your work doesn’t end with the book’s last page. There are always more books to read, more information to consume, and more experience to gain.

“No matter how much experience you have, there’s always something new you can learn and room for improvement.”
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

So, if you ever feel unequipped to apply the said knowledge then, we’ve got you covered! 

Here is a list of 10 books that will make you better at solving your problems, both inside the clinic and out of it.

1 . Explain Pain– David Butler  

This book is a must-read if you want to learn more about pain (who doesn’t ?).  With quirky illustrations, David Butler attempts to explain a complicated topic in an easy-to-understand language. It doesn’t matter whether you are a student, a therapist, or even a patient. This book attempts to answer all your questions about why your body hurts. 

You can find this book here-

2. Clinical Case Studies in Physiotherapy: A Guide for Students and Graduates by Lauren Jean Guthrie

Lauren Jean Guthrie took all our clinical posting problems and gave us this book. Just like the name suggests, this book contains various hints, tips, and case studies for you to learn from. It gives solutions to hurdles and promotes a problem-solving approach to treatment while strategically building your confidence. 

Get your copy here-

3. Guide to Evidence-Based Physical Therapist Practice by Dianne Jewell

This book serves as an accessible guide to the concept of evidence-based practice. It explains answers to questions like ‘What is evidence-based practice?’ ‘how to practice it?’ and ‘how to excel at it?’

Dianne Jewell, in this book, underlines the philosophy, history, and value of evidence-based practice and teaches us what constitutes evidence, how to search efficiently for relevant evidence in the literature, and how to apply it clinically. · 

Find your copy here-

4. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks

Does the title sound strange to you? The title is just one case out of many, narrated by the author, based on the lives of various patients with neurological disorders. Here, Dr. Sacks attempts to earnestly teach us to empathize with our patients’ emotions, to have a special kind of love and understanding while dealing with issues of the brain.

If you choose to read this, you will get to see the world from the eyes of the neurologically impaired with respect and kindness.

You may get this book here-

5. Left Neglected by Lisa Genova

Left neglected is a fiction novel about an overachieving woman, Sarah, who values her control over her life. She’s a hustler who does it all. Managing her job as the VP with top-notch efficiency- to check in with her kids- check while still working to make it home in time. She plans and successfully controls every minute of her life. The only thing she doesn’t factor in is a fateful accident that leaves her with a disabling condition of the brain called hemineglect or “left neglect.”

Read this book to see how Sarah copes with her now – the unfamiliar world of brain damage and finds herself again amidst the loss of the control she cherished. 

Find it here-

6. Scientific Advertising by Claude C Hopkins

This book is exactly as the name suggests- advertising tips for your work. Though for your scientific career. This book can become your one-stop guide if you are a new researcher and need advice on the secrets of writing/publishing your articles. 

Find it here –

7. Blockchain: The Next Everything by Stephen Williams

The future is changing, evolving, and this book gives an excellent window to the systems that will cause a revolution in economics, politics, global trade, science, art, and numerous other aspects of our everyday lives.

Find your copy here-

 8. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

If there is one book you chose to read from this list, irrespective if you are a fresher in college or a working physio (or even an adult), it has to be this. The world of finance may seem daunting on the first try. But one way to overcome this fear is to read and learn. Benjamin Graham, in his book, explains the stock market and gives you valuable tips to invest and grow your money. This book can be a little complex for starters, but it is an irreplaceable member of your journey on learning about money!

Buy your copy here-

9. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M Pirsig

Pirsig goes on a motorcycle ride with his son from Minnesota to California (think Mumbai to Assam) and takes you with him on this journey. But it’s not an ordinary ride either. Pirsig, on this trip, delves into the spirituality and philosophy of little things and challenges you to do the same. He compels you to look within your chaos and find your true self. 

Find this book here-

10. When Breath becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

On a fateful day in his long career as a neurosurgeon, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic lung cancer. This autobiography is a raw and riveting tale of Dr. Kalanithi’s journey from saving lives to struggling to stay alive one day. It catches your attention, holds you prisoner, then forces you to answer soul-searching questions like What makes life worth living? 

Go on this journey with Kalanithi to understand your patients better, learn a little about neurosurgery, and eventually value your life more·

Find your copy of this book here- 

While this article attempts to include valuable books that you need to consume, we couldn’t possibly cover everything. The world of knowledge is a bottomless sea that begs to be explored, and we picked up the essential gems. 

But, that being said, we hope these ten books prove to be a great start to understanding yourself, your patient, and your profession a little better!

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