6 min read | Career Planning 

Eccentric Career Paths

Written by Rutvi Shah
Graphics by Nidhi Joshi
The PhysioZest exclusive Career Series – Unconstrained, unexplored, unconventional

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Snails, phylum Mollusca, class Gastropoda; when feeling threatened, retreat into their shells and stay there to protect themselves. For physiotherapists, the well-established specialties of MSK, Sports, Neuro, Cardiorespi, Women’s health forms their shell, the haven. According to common belief, peeking their head outside of this self-prescribed circle of security is equivalent to inviting risk and potential failure. Is it, though?

If Jake Sully never stepped into the Avatar world, he would have lived his perfunctory marine life, entirely blind-sighted to the alluring world that existed outside his own.  Today, most physiotherapists are unfortunately in a similar space. There is an entire spectrum of avenues that can benefit from a physiotherapist’s expertise. However, there is so much fear and reluctance bred in the minds of young physios that we are choosing to remain unaware of positions outside our small circle.

Do you have the courage to defy the norm and carve your path? 

We at PhysioZest strongly believe that future physios have the vision and the strength to explore the unexplored and excel at the unheard. 

”No matter what people tell you, ideas and words can change the world.” -Robert William 

We are here to sow the seed of ideas. It’s up to you to grow and go out there and change the way your world looks. 

1. Animal Physiotherapy:

“No matter how long we have them, it’s never long enough.”

Pet owners today strongly resonate with this emotion and are willing to take active steps to ensure that their pets (even as old as 16-year-old labradors) live a pain-free late life. Up until now, medicines were the only cure. However, with the advent of veterinary or animal physiotherapy, an entirely new spectrum of treatment options has been made available, and the outcomes leave the pet owners awestruck. 

Do animals make you go weak in the knees? If your love for animals is immense, then this may be the ideal career for you.

Roles and Responsibilities:

As an animal physiotherapist, you’ll cover the treatment of domestic pets, farm animals, and other pets, though horses, dogs, and cats are the most common.

Your responsibilities include:

  • Treat a range of complaints, including spinal problems, joint problems, and injuries to muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Example – Degeneration of cruciate ligament, 
  • Facilitate post-surgical rehabilitation. Example – limb correction (angular/flexular), fracture fixation
  • Devise exercise regimens for pets suffering from genetic anomalies due to incorrect breeding practices. Example – Developmental hip or elbow dysplasia 
  • Fitness evaluation for sporting, competition, and conforming dogs. Example – Administration of treadmill incremental exercise test 
  • Preventative fitness to reduce the risk of obesity. Example – Exercise planning to improve balance, strength, mobility and cardiovascular fitness 


While there is no governing body in India that requires you to complete a specific certificate or graduate program to become a vet physio, you must invest in formal education to be a successful practitioner. Human physios, as well as vets, can take up the following courses to start to practice as a vet physio :


1. Veterinary physiotherapy (Postgraduate diploma/MSc) at the University of Liverpool

2. Diploma in Animal Physiotherapy at the College of Animal Physiotherapy

3. Supplemental courses offered by Grey Friars Rehab – Hydrotherapy, Physiotherapy, Inpatient Care, Pain Management and Acupuncture

4. Certification and other courses provided by Canine Rehabilitation Institute 

5. The ACPAT (Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy) –
It is a professional network group that allows you to connect with vet physios worldwide, provide courses, and offer master’s courses to help members develop. 

Job Opportunities:

Vet physiotherapy has been introduced in India very recently and has been in practice for about two years now. Currently, awareness regarding this service is at an all-time low. Vets and vet physios alike are taking initiatives to popularise this concept, which leaves ample space for new vet physios to enter the market and establish themselves. The scope here is enormous; you only have to recognize if this specialization is for you or not. 


While it is a tempting opportunity to spend hours with your favorite furry buddies, vet physiotherapy requires way more than just love for animals. 

According to research, communication has always been an essential pillar for veterinarians. Communication effectively leads to better clinical outcomes, such as client satisfaction during the veterinary visit and increased client compliance with the veterinarian’s recommendations. Along with good animal and human communication, Francesca Riccomini, a Veterinary surgeon, companion animal behaviorist, and writer based out of the UK, says that empathy, patience, and people’s skills are required. She adds that listening non-judgmentally is crucial.

 So no matter how unrealistic, unfair or just plain stupid people have been, we simply must maintain an attitude of unconditional positive regard.

Tips by Dr. Nikita Joshi of SuperPets Small Animal Clinic and Aqua-Physio Fitness Centre:

If you are keen to become a vet physio, it would be ideal to start visiting a clinic to understand, in practice, the nuances of the field. It is not as easy as it looks. The challenges in terms of patient compliance, follow up and financial investment in physiotherapy are real. With precise communication and delivering positive results, you can overcome the hurdles and become a successful provider. 

We hope that this article helps someone somewhere who is standing at the edge of a cliff contemplating whether to jump or not!

JUMP! is what we at PhysioZest say! Take the leap, take the plunge. There is an entire world outside of your home, waiting for you to explore. 

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