3.5 mins read | Leadership


Written by Rutvi Shah

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“Get one to go, and the rest will follow.

This intensely gregarious social instinct is characteristic of a domesticated ruminant mammal raised for its wool – the sheep. Then why, as humans, are we inclined to follow this primal nature and partake in the herd behavior? Why is the title of “the lone wolf” a symbol of prestige and power?

Gifted with a disproportionately large cerebral cortex, mesmerizingly complex neural connections, and intense processing abilities, we as human beings can THINK – analyze, judge, differentiate right from wrong, make decisions, etc. Why are these abilities made to hibernate when it comes to choosing your career path! 

 “ Never forget that fear and desire can lead you into life’s biggest trap if you’re not aware of them controlling your thinking.” 

– Robert T. Kiyosaki’s rich dad

Most interns spend their final few months preparing for an entrance exam for post-graduation or maneuvering through the application process for admission to a foreign university. Fear that they will waste a year fears that the batchmates will surpass them, fear of uncertainty dictates their decision.

Playgroup to pre-primary-primary-secondary-junior college- undergrad-postgrad- job.

Is this the story you want to leave the world with? 

This isn’t a story. This is a protocol that fellow physios have followed for years together. But life is not a case, and therefore, your journey can’t be and should not be dictated by a protocol. Remember, the protocol is a guideline, but rehab always is individualized.

As children, we were eager to approach adulthood to inherit the power to think for ourselves and make our own decisions. Now that you are right where you yearned to be, why let the world prescribe your path? Why let the achievements of colleagues define the meaning of success for you?

I graduated in March of 2020. I was looking forward to the job life and making a name for myself, leaving a mark. I wanted to be good and fast. However, this motivation or zeal as a newbie is not enough. When you ask yourself, there will be a day when you ask yourself – do I want to get up and go to work today? Go through the same set of exercises with the same faces? That day no motivation or no financial incentive will help you function – no mentor, no TED talk, nothing. 

The only thing that will matter then is your answer to the WHY? – WHY did I start this journey?

Instead of going with the flow today, banking on the adrenaline to get you through, and arriving at a dead-end year into the practice – ask yourself these questions today!

As fresh graduates, we have nothing to lose – no reputation, no brand name, and a professional legacy.  We are at a point in life where our risk appetite is at its peak. It doesn’t get better than this! Seize this moment. This is the time to find yourself, define your likes, find your purpose, identify what excites you, what you feel strongly for, what it is that you are passionate about! Take a year, work in different setups, do volunteer work, interact with other physios, go on a trip, run a marathon, take your time. My brother always tells me – In a career of 50 years,  a year here and there will not count in the longer run. 

As you evolve, your purpose will refine itself; from a global statement, you will narrow down your vision to a single purpose. Then you won’t want to sleep. You will be waiting for the sun to rise so that you can do more, work more, contribute more, get closer to your dream, see it all come together and that my friend will be YOUR SUCCESS! You will need no awards that day, for you will have the satisfaction of achieving the goal that you set for yourself.

STOP. THINK. ASK YOURSELF if what you have chosen is really for you. ACCEPT and then STRIVE FOR CHANGE. One bold step today can change the way the next 50 years of your life look. Success or not, don’t let anyone take away your freedom of deciding for you. Be fearless.


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