January 2022 | Issue 03 | Physiotherapy E-Magazine

Editor’s Note

When Mark gave the Keynote at the end of 2021 introducing Meta to the world, it pushed me to think of the possibilities Physiotherapy has in store for the community. Alas, the pessimist in my brain had another set of possibilities ready: Are we going to disappoint the future generations, by not syncing with the developments in the world?

Don’t fall for my remarks, but instead answer this question:

Does the Physical Therapy Community have a rigged ratio of Revolutionary Thought Leaders vs Average PTs?

Let’s dive further.

Every professional population has 2 broad categories for its inhabitants- 

1. Rule Followers- Stays within the circle of rules and possibilities.
2. Rule Breakers- Figuring out recent advances, syncing to be better and closer to the ultimate truths. 

The latter category has fewer takers back home in the PT Community!

We have definitely adapted well to start building and implementing AR, VR, and Softwares to deliver Optimal Care to patients and have revolutionized Rehabilitation through our Laptops.

But are we adapting enough in India? Does our majority population have access to Virtual Rehabilitation? Will this Metaverse wave touch only the creamy layer for another decade in Physiotherapy before it inhabits houses of the urban-rural population?

What we need in the next 10 years is a seamless system approach- 

Another constant miss is social bonding: the fall in EQ and communication skills that therapists armor. Communication & Preventing Burnout from Issue 03 echoes no-nonsense implementable steps heavily backed up by research and a panel of professionals.

This edition is dedicated to the Physical Therapist who sits at the end of the day and has one question: How do I get better?

A no-brainer: What’s the world without a bunch of passionate PTs with a mighty pen and of course a stable internet; trying to shift the needle?

A little less Revolutionary! 

6 Ways to Overcome Burnout as a Physical Therapist

8.5 Min Read | Jessica Gomes | Nimisha More | Aparna Premraj | Natasja Azad


Tissue is not the Issue: Reconstructing the Pain Outlook

5 Min Read | Dr. Wideman | Nirja Shah | Kevin Thakkar | Param Sampat | Aparna Premraj | Natasja Azad


Eccentric Career Paths 2.0 – The Physio Business Coach

5 Min Read | Dr. Bhandagey | Rutvi Shah


TALK LIKE YOU MEAN IT! – Effective Geriatric Communication

5.5 Min Read | Dr. Sinha | Rutvi Shah | Manali Yadav | Aashi Sethiya | Navnit Ade | Param Sampat | Nimisha More | Ria Gorey


Legalities for a PT in India – Need of the hour

3.5 Min Read | Juwayriah Dalvi | Aishwarya Kale | Ria Gorey | Aparna Premraj | Natasja Azad


Read Categories:

ACL REHAB – Agility Training Re-analyzed

16 Min Read | Priyanka Paliwal | Nimisha More | Param Sampat | Aparna Premraj

Pediatrics: Physiotherapists’ Ignored Treasure

6.5 Min Read | Natasja Azad | Rucha Gadgil | Kevin Thakkar | Ria Gorey | Param Sampat

Women’s Health Rehab: Piles

2.6 Min Read | Anamika Bheda | Maria Dalal | Nimisha More | Param Sampat | Aparna Premraj

Tissue is not the Issue: Reconstructing the Pain Outlook

5 Min Read | Dr. Wideman | Nirja Shah | Kevin Thakkar | Param Sampat | Aparna Premraj | Natasja Azad

TALK LIKE YOU MEAN IT ! – Effective Geriatric Communication

5.5 Min Read | Dr. Sinha | Rutvi | Manali | Aashi | Navnit | Param | Nimisha | Ria

Blood Flow Restriction Technique – Less Pain, More Gain?

3.34 Min Read | Aditi Parekh | Janhavi Atre | Nidhi Joshi | Ria Gorey | Param Sampat

6 Ways to Overcome Burnout as a Physical Therapist

8.5 Min Read | Jessica Gomes | Nimisha More | Aparna Premraj | Natasja Azad

Eccentric Career Path 2.0 – The Physio Business Coach

5 Min Read | Dr. Bhandagey | Rutvi Shah

Legalities for a PT in India – Need of the hour

3.5 Min Read | Juwayriah Dalvi | Aishwarya Kale | Ria Gorey | Aparna Premraj | Natasja Azad

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Research and Content Writing Team
  • Rutvi Shah
  • Priyanka Paliwal
  • Natasja Azad
  • Rucha Gadgil
  • Anamika Bheda
  • Maria Dalal
  • Nirja Shah
  • Manali Yadav
  • Aditi Parekh
  • Janhavi Atre
  • Jessica Gomes
  • Juwayriah Dalvi
  • Aishwarya Kale
Multimedia Team
  • Param Sampat
  • Kevin Thakkar
  • Nimisha More
  • Aparna Premraj
  • Ria Gorey
  • Navnit Ade
  • Nidhi Joshi
  • Chinmayee Patil
Web & Mag Team
  • Isha Chavan
  • Shreya Maloo
  • Vedika Botadra
  • Aamena Golwala
Core Team
  • Aashi Sethiya – Founder & Editor
  • Riddhi Gandhi – Art Director
  • Samidha Deshmukh – Business Strategy Director